FY25 Downtown Event Grant
*For events occurring between July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025*
The Downtown Event Grant was established to better connect our community with Downtown Hagerstown, to help energize our local economy, build meaningful partnerships, and elevate community stakeholders. Grant applicants must demonstrate a well thought out event experience that considers safety, anticipated attendance, marketing considerations, likelihood of the event continuing, and inclusion.
Applications must be submitted 60 days or more before the event is slated to occur. If approved, applicants will be notified and will enter into a grant agreement with the City. Funds will be disbursed on a reimbursement basis ONLY with proof of payment.
This application should be submitted along with the City of Hagerstown Special Events Application, as this grant application will not be considered without it. If the event application has already been submitted, this application can be emailed to events@hagerstownmd.org.
Will not grant to an individual and the organization must be in good standing with the City of Hagerstown and the State of Maryland
Funding levels: $500-$3,000 ($3,000 is the maximum amount the City will provide in support of an event)
All proposed events must be family-friendly and accessible to the general public
Funding is on a first-come, first-serve basis until funds are no longer available
Event must be held on City or public property and be within the designated Main Street or Arts & Entertainment districts. Exceptions may be granted for an event happening at a City-owned park.
Applications will be graded by a committee on specific criteria outlined in the application.
Grant claw back: the City reserves the right to cancel any grant agreement that doesn't meet the guidelines or misspends grant monies. All receipts and proof of payment must be submitted in order to receive funds.
Acknowledgement: Successful applicants will be required to provide on their website a graphic/link to the www.downtownhagerstown.org website and display the City of Hagerstown's logo in all public facing project collateral. Grantees must follow the grant agreement which will be communicated to successful applicants.
Marketing expenses related to the event
Event expenses (rentals, equipment, bookings, etc.)
No purchase of food or alcohol is permitted from grant monies
Please note: We receive many qualified requests; however, we cannot guarantee that all applicants will receive sponsorship awards.